My Daily Practice and Supplement List

Here I'd like to outline the daily practises I did that I believe helped me the most. I have included most of my supplements in the Long Covid/Vaccine Recovery section so here I'll discuss some of the other treatments that I did to help me recover:
Heart Math; a device that helps you control your heart rate and breathing to calm your nervous system. It attaches to your phone and you do breathing exercises. It works very well to calm the body.
Morning walk and grounding on the beach: Even at my most injured I would sit on the beach with barefeet and just ground to the earth. As I started to recover I would go for short bare foot walks then longer ones in the early morning sunlight. This was very healing.
Sauna blanket: I purchased a sauna blanket (I'll put the link in resources) and use this every morning for 30 mins. The infra red is a great healing and helps the mitochondria recover. I follow this with a 2 minute freezing cold shower to reset the vagus nerve.
Hydrogen machine: I purchased a hydrogen machine from Alkaway and use this daily to make hydrogen rich water and inhale the hydrogen. It is used in Japanese hospitals to help patients heal due to its high antioxidant levels. I believe this was a great help in calming my mast cells down.
Meditation: Daily meditation has been essential in calming my nervous system. I try to practise for 30 minutes a day and combine this with my heart math and breathing exercises.
Low Histamine Diet; this is essential for MCAS. Histamine is one of the mediators that the mast cells release so lowering your overall histamine is essential as well as taking anti-histamines and DAO enzymes with each meal. DAO is extracted from animal kidney had helps the body break down histamine. I take mine twice daily and more with a histamine containing meal.
I also did the GUPTA program for one year and this helps to retrain the brain and limbic system stuck in trauma to relax and let go. It is very helpful in the treatment of MCAS and helped me begin to introduce foods, supplements and medications without reaction and a flare. Link is the resource section.