Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
My MCAS Symptom List
From day one post my one and only covid vaccination, these are the symptoms that I believe were mostly MCAS related but according to my cardiologist were also to do with spike protein invading my organs, dysautonimia, clotting of the blood and low venous oxygen levels all caused by the vaccine:
Itchy rash all over body
Irregular heart beat, arrythmias and PVC's
Heart pressure and shortness of breath
Severe brain fog
Double vision
Hand tremors
Numbness in limbs and loss of feeling in arms and legs
Severe insomnia
Inability to eat without feeling like being sick
Weight loss
Elevated bilirubin and DDimer levels
Venous oxygen levels at that of an ICU patient (cardiologists words)
Depression/anxiety (due to symptoms)
A feeling of being brain damaged.
Low blood pressure
Constant nausea
Nurses couldn't take blood as blood too sticky (clotted). Had over 40 blood tests in 2 years and all with great difficulty
and much more...